Friday, September 14, 2007

Hello All,

First, welcome to my public blog. I have decided to create one to keep all interested parties updated on my daily life. Enjoy!

As of right now I am working for the military as a contracted archeological assistant. This means I look at fun things in dirt that they find on the base. I really can't tell you much more because that is what happens when you work for the military. It is sometimes very boring and at other times totally fascinating. It pays well and gives me something to do while I look for a path to follow.

This path has several possibilities. I am looking into MA programs in history, film, and Native American studies. I would love to run the History Channel and take over the world. However, in the short term, I think I am going to start writing screenplays and short documentaries and look for funding to shoot them. I am also going to start taking classes at UTEP just to stay in loop of school, because I miss it so much.

In my personal life...hmmm. Nothing is really happening. I am spending more time with my grandmother and enjoying her as a person and not just a relative. She has also promised to teach me how to cook, so soon I will be able to whip up some delicious Mexican food. I am also looking for possible ways to get me back to Scotland, at least for a year, because I loved it so much.

I must say post Reed is very strange because I find I have all this free time to do things, yet I don't know what to do with myself. Hopefully I sort out all this post grad angst and just enjoy being in the world.

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